Net Gains (Feb 07, 96)
Your visa to Cyberia
Over the last 8 weeks, we've travelled over the Net - visiting places,and seeing Cyber sites. Hopefully, we've managed to whet your appetite, with all those tid bits about the Internet - the possibilities it holds, the doorways it can open to you. In short, the whole world called Cyberspace that lies unexplored by you. This week, we take time off to tell you how to get on the Net - how to apply, what you need, - all the gory details that help you on your journey to aapunka GIAS (Gateway Internet Access Service) from VSNL.First of all, you need that bag of chips they call a computer. The computer should be a 386/486 - a Pentium will take the cake. You've got to have a telephone connection too, and a modem attached to your computer. These are the basic requirements from your end. OOPS ! I almost forgot to mention money - you'll need some of that too for your lifeline to the world. Just how much of it, depends on the kind of connection you opt for. All that and more, in the next few paragraphs .
VSNL offers, at the very basic level two kinds of access - a dial-up access, and a leased line. The leased line, comes with a price tag of a couple of lakhs, so we'll leave it out of the discussion for us plain, simple home users. The other scheme - the dial-up access - is more appropriate for the general junta. Within the dial-up service, you could apply for either a "Shell account" or a "TCP/IP account" . Now the main difference between the above two is the kind of facilities that you have at your disposal.
In the case of a "Shell account", you are not online on the Internet. For example, you cannot transfer files from the Net to your computer. You have to download them onto the VSNL host computer, and from there onto your computer. Besides, all your Internet access is limited to the text based services. Which, plainly put, means you won't be able to see all those fantabulous pictures, or visuals that everyone's been telling you about ! What can I say ? My heart - felt condolences !!!
While in the case of a "TCP/IP account", you are online. If you have a browser - a tool to roam around the Internet - you are not limited to the text-only version of the Net. Instead, you can view pictures of all hues, tones, and quality.
The Shell account comes to you at costs ranging from Rs.5000 to Rs.25,000 (per 250 hours of usage) depending on the category you fall under. The TCP/IP account ranges from Rs.15,000 to Rs. 25,000 (per 250 hours). In the case of the TCP/IP account though you incur additional expenses in the form of software. But software privacy being a common thing, you could get the software needed for free if you have the right sources - and that's not advice, it's a fact.
Another category that raised a lot of hope, and hajaar queries, was the special "student's category". It was supposed to start way back in December 95, but didn't. When contacted, the PR guys at VSNL said that it would tentatively start in March. The highlight is the cost - for a measly Rs. 500, a student will be able to get 250 hours of air-time. Of course, there will be a considerable difference in the speed of connection and the quality for this category, but that's to be expected. The access will be restricted to a text-only version of the Net, but there's no restriction on the speed of transfer of your modem. Initially, VSNL plans to offer 20 connections per college, so watch out guys - it's gonna be on a first come, first serve basis !
VSNL in Mumbai has about 1,500 subscribers already, since it started off in mid-August, with a waiting period of about a week. for the dial-up accounts. The guys at the PR desk were very helpful - they gave me the information I was looking for even though it was a Saturday, and they officially work Mondays through Fridays (9:30 - 5:30). The handouts they give on request are very informative, and explain the basics of the Internet service. The one time charge as registration fees don't apply to the student category. The dial-up subscribers have to pay a thousand bucks, while the leased-line subscribers pay 10 grand. They also offer TCP/IP software, and 8 hours training for Rs. 1000 each. And later on, if you want your password altered, you'll end up paying another grand. The 250 hour limit that they impose can be extended by paying up for another 250 hours. That is considering you use up your 250 hours, because if you don't, it lapses. So practise all the Time Management techniques you know to make optimum use. To find out how much Net - time you have left, you could send an e-mail to [email protected]
There are a few complaints though - be warned ! A very common complaint is that subscribers are not able to connect to sites easily, their attempts fail very often. This is because of the few lines VSNL has devoted to the Net. They have increased the number of lines once already, and are planning another increase soon.
When I breached the topic on monitoring access to pornography, I was coyly informed - "We have tried to see such things that you mention, but we could not reach there." VSNL is not acting as policeman now, in that they don't have software (like CyberPatrol) to restrict access to certain sites. But they may implement some form of censorship in the near future.
As far as hardware/software related complaints go, VSNL has on its payroll, a few agents to cater to the subscribers woes. If you subscribe to VSNL's services, stay with us - we'll cover a lot of interesting sites. If not, stay with us anyway - you can still hear about some of the more interesting sites on the Net.
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