Internet Marketing by Lyndon Cerejo
Internet Marketing and Strategy: Most of my work online has been in this space. Some of my published articles on the different aspects of Internet Marketing:
How to Reach Your Competitors' Customers Online:, May 11, 2001.
Creating a Hierarchy of User-Experience Needs:, Mar 26, 2001.
The A, B, C, D, E of Ecommerce: Economic Times, August 17, 1999.
Incentives rule online: Brand Equity (Economic Times), August 04 - August 10, 1999.
Brand Promotion Online: Strategic Marketing (Economic Times), July - August 1999.
Webbed to sell (Affiliate Programs): Brand Equity (Economic Times), April 07 - April 12, 1999.
Shop with your mouse: Sunday Review, February 21, 1999 - use the Internet to help you out!
Web present or web presence?: Brand Equity (Economic Times), January 13 - January 19, 1999.
Ready for the future?: Brand Equity (Economic Times), December 16 - December 22, 1998.
Selling Dreams in Cyberspace (Internet Advertising): Express Computer, 7 December 1998.
What's in a (about domain names): Brand Equity (Economic Times), October 28 - November 03, 1998.
Book Review: The Internet Marketing Plan : Brand Equity (Economic Times), September 08 - September 15, 1998.
The art of online research : Brand Equity (Economic Times), September 02 - September 08, 1998.
Market Research on the Internet: Brand Equity (Economic Times), September 02 - September 08, 1998.
Cyber Branding:: Brand Equity (Economic Times), April 29 - May 05, 1998.
What makes a website tick?: Biznet, May 98.
Non Profits can profit from the Net: Biznet, April 98.
Domain Names: Hong Kong Business, October 1997
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