How To Create Your Own Homepage - Hosting
Note: All external links mentioned in this article were working when published, but some may no longer be active.
Now that you've spent quite some time and effort creating an aesthetic webpage, it's time to build your home in cyberspace. To make your pages accessible to everyone with an Internet connection, you need to put them on a web server. A web server is a computer that will store your homepage, connect to other computers on the Internet, and show your homepage to those who try to access it. Universities abroad are very generous with their computers, and most students, within a few days of being on the Internet create their home pages - with snaps of themselves, their college, and even their pets!
For the rest of us who are not so lucky, there are internet servers that allow you to put up your home page for a price, while there are a few that offer their services for free. These free webspace providers can afford to give away free space by earning advertising revenue based on their user profile. To that end, they require you to fill in a few details about yourself, and stick to certain rules that they have - like not using the site for commercial purposes, and not putting up vulgar material on your home page. In return, they offer you a fixed amount of megabytes (one megabyte can store an average of 75 pages) on their computers which you could use to put up your home page. Once you register and become a member, you have a password that you use to create your pages, and later on, modify them. Take your pick from the following: Rediff Personal Homepages 10 Mb space. Address format:
Tripod 10 Mb of space. Address format:
Geocities 11 Mb space. Address format:
So take your time, visit these sites, and choose your homepage carefully. Remember - you'll probably be staying there for the rest of your life on the Web!!