You've been on the Net for quite some time now - you've used email, chatted up strangers, surfed interesting sites, but you're still a nobody online till you stake your claim in Cyberia. In other words, you have to leave your mark on the Internet in the form of your very own homepage.
What is a homepage?
Simply put, a homepage is a page on the Internet (or more accurately the World Wide Web), that talks about a particular person, group, or concept. So your personal homepage would talk about yourself, your hobbies, your friends, your favourite books, you name it, you can publish it on the Net.
Do I need a homepage?
Do you need a house to live in? You do, don't you? Consider your homepage to be your home on the Internet - someplace people can reach you online, learn more about you, what you do, what you like, and maybe even become friends with you. If you're a business, imagine having a new branch that's open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year - that's your business homepage for you. The best part of all of this is that it can be absolutely free!
What can I use my homepage for?
Anything and everything - anything you can put on paper in real life (why, even things you can't put on paper) can be put on your homepage. So you can use your homepage to talk about yourself, or maintain your diary online for everyone to read. Ever thought about putting your résumé on the Net for potential recruiters to read? Or maybe put together a list of your favourite jokes or songs? Why not turn your homepage into a picture album, preserving those snaps for your great-grand-children to see someday? You're limited only by your imagination, so let go and get creative!
The Steps
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