Net Basics: Chat and Newsgroups
Note: All external links mentioned in this article were working when published, but some may no longer be active.
People don't call the Internet a virtual world just like that - the Net is a reflection of things as they are in the real world of flesh and blood, scams and killings. We'll drive this point home this week.
We all have our groups that we are part of - be they kitty parties, building associations, prayer groups, whatever. All these consist of people who meet to discuss and share views on a certain topics. And you'd be surprised at the virtual version that's available on the Net - it's called IRC.
IRC (or Internet Relay Chat for those who aren't technoids), is a multiple user, multiple channel, live chat. In simple English, this is basically a way for anyone on the Net to have live keyboard conversations with people all around the world on variety of subjects. Once you go to the chat area on the Net, you'll get a list of channels currently available, and how many users are participating in each. Once you find a channel of your choice ( from religion to the occult, and from intellectual discussions to banal ones), and join that channel, you start feverishly typing away to glory on your keyboard to "talk" - whatever you type is broadcast live to everyone else on the channel. Every user is known by a nickname, so others don't have the faintest idea of who you are or what you look like unless you choose to reveal it. A chava friend of mine, chatted up a "Madhuri" on a "friendly channel", only to discover later that "Madhuri" was a guy from Madras, who chose that name because people never talked to him when his nick name was Ram !.
The most common statement used when talking about the Net is - "you can get anything and everything on the Net". Almost true, and you can often get a lot of information on home pages. But there's another unexploited way to easily get very specific information from the Net. For instance, if you want to get inflammatory news, you know which Marathi newspaper to get. If you're looking for Bollywood gossip, you know which mags to buy.
On the Net there's something called Newsgroups. Newsgroups are certain message areas that store messages from Net users about a specific topic - sometimes too specific. For instance there's a newsgroups dedicated to toe - sucking (?!). So if you have that fetish, you could log in everyday and find out more about toe - sucking, or "post" questions to clarify any doubts you have, maybe if you're a toe-sucking expert, you could even guide others who need help. This was one end of the spectrum. On a more useful note, if your modem is giving you trouble that your hardware guy could not sort out, you could go to a newsgroup dedicated to modems and share your problem. In all probability, in a day or two, you'll find messages on that newsgroup from others who had the same problem, telling you how to solve it ! Newsgroups are available through VSNL, though it is not publicised. So log on and benefit.
Just a small handy hint - you may want to revise the fundaes that you've learnt from these columns. There's a surprise in store in the next column !