JBIMS Online
JBIMS Online was the first site I worked on that required me to interface with others to get the site up and running. I got a chance to practically learn how to deal with a "client" so to speak, right from explaining why JBIMS needed to be on the Web to gathering requirements and collaborating on the content and features of the site. In October 1997, I succeeded in getting an Internet company to sponsor the redesigning, hosting and maintainence of the site.... from the experience
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS) is a Department of the University of Bombay, and has long been the main center for admissions for the Masters of Management Studies (MMS) degree offered by the University of Bombay. However, except during the admission period, there was no way interested students could access information about the Common Entrance Test (CET) procedure, and the MMS course.
With a reach of over 150 million people around the world, the Web is an excellent medium for disseminating information. With this in mind, JBIMS Online was conceived, designed, created, developed and promoted by me in October 1996, being the first and only such site from Bombay on the Internet. In addition to the information about the CET, JBIMS Online had detailed information about the college itself, the various courses conducted, and co-curricular activities.
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Getting finances to host the site was a near improbable task, and keeping the image of the college in mind, hosting it on a free server was not a solution. Mr. Miheer Mafatlal, owner of India's first private server was open to the idea and offered us space on his server.
However, the URL was not intuitive to say the least, and we lacked a domain name. I approached a few Internet companies to host our site on their servers, complete with our own domain name. This dream was realised in October 1997, when Netventures offered to host and maintain JBIMS Online. JBIMS Online now has a more intuitive domain name - www.jbims.edu, and since I've graduated, the baton has been handed over to a team of students in the current batch who work on updating the site.
JBIMS Online has placement related information available online to allow easy access for companies outside Bombay, and to allow them to send placement related inquiries over the Net. JBIMS Online is currently also building up an alumni e-mailing list to keep them informed about college activities and events.
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